What contributes to "poor" posture? "Poor" posture is when your spine is placed in un-natural positions which results in joints, muscles, and the spine being in stressful positions
Salius Physiotherapy is home to PostureFIT : Our Physiotherapy clinic in Delta and Surrey offer a unique program that allows you to see the best therapists of both worlds. Physiotherapist and Kinesiologist work together to provide you with high quality program designed for your specific concerns. Poor posture can result in Scoliosis, hump back, sway back, increased kyphosis, increased lordosis, flat back... this list goes on. Overtime these conditions can lead to arthritis or speed up the process so it is imperetive for injury prevention and improving your quality of life. Call or Book a PostureFIT assessment to determine if you are at risk of injury and what you can do about it.
"Poor" posture can be caused by muscle imbalances, muscle weakness, core instability, injuries, and even by the shoes you wear!
The benefits of good posture include:
- Improved balance. Having better balance not only lowers your risk of falls, it can also improve your athletic ability.
- Less back pain. Good posture puts less stress and tension on the disks and vertebra in your spine.
- Lower risk of injury. Moving, standing, and sitting correctly reduces the strain on your muscles, joints, and ligaments.
- Less fatigue. When your muscles are used more efficiently, it can help conserve your energy.
- Fewer headaches. Poor posture can put extra strain on your neck, which can lead to tension headaches.
- Improved breathing. Good posture allows your lungs to expand more fully, allowing you to breathe easier.
- Better circulation. When your vital organs aren’t compressed by slouching, it can help your blood to flow more easily through your blood vessels and organs.
Pain (lower back, shoulders, neck)
Muscle fatigue
Rounded shoulders
Forward head posture
Visible symptoms (stronger wear on one shoe)
How this program can help:
Assessed in various positions and views (anterior, posterior, lateral, standing, sitting) to be as accurate as possible
For any deviations by observing the body through the assessment
Any repetitive strain injuries by using better mechanics
Participating in a 6-week program that helps with correcting bad posture