Welcome to Shockwave Therapy!

Curious about shockwave therapy? You're in the right place! At our clinic, we offer a cutting-edge treatment known as shockwave therapy, also referred to as extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT).

It's a gentle yet effective approach increasingly favored in physiotherapy for addressing various musculoskeletal issues, especially those involving ligaments and tendons.

Wondering what conditions shockwave therapy can help with? Here are just a few:

  •  Heel spurs
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Tennis elbow
  • Calcific tendinosis
  • Patellar tendonitis
  • Bursitis
  • Shin splints
  • Iliotibial band friction syndrome
  • Lumbar and cervical spine regions
  • Chronic muscular pain

Now, let's talk about the perks of shockwave therapy. Besides being a proven method for reducing pain
and promoting healing, it offers several benefits, such as:

  • Encouraging the formation of new blood vessels
  • Easing chronic inflammation
  • Boosting collagen production
  • Breaking down calcified fibroblasts
  • Releasing trigger points

If you're ready to explore the possibilities of shockwave/laser therapy or seeking treatment for specific conditions like spinal stenosis, patellar tendonitis, or sports-related injuries, we're here to help!

Our office provides shockwave therapy near you, including convenient options in Delta.

Reach out today to discover how we can support you on your journey to better health and mobility.

Learn more about our shockwave therapy.

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